If you feel ill with fever, flu-like symptoms or respiratory illness, please call us to reschedule your appointment. Please Do Not Bring Children Under age 16 to Appointments.

How Diet Affects IBS: Tips for Better Digestive Health

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a common digestive disorder affecting millions of people worldwide. Characterized by symptoms like abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, and constipation, IBS can significantly impact quality of life. One effective way to manage these symptoms is through dietary changes. We will delve into how diet influences IBS and provide actionable tips for better digestive health.


The Role of Diet in IBS

Trigger Foods

For many individuals with IBS, foods rich in fats, dairy, and certain types of carbohydrates—known as FODMAPs—can lead to symptoms. Other triggers might include spicy foods, alcohol, and caffeinated beverages. Identifying and eliminating these triggers can significantly improve IBS symptoms.


Foods to Include

A balanced diet for someone with IBS might include lean proteins, low-FODMAP fruits and vegetables, and whole grains. Incorporating foods rich in soluble fiber can also be beneficial in regulating bowel movements.


IBS-Friendly Diet Plans

Several diet plans are specifically tailored for individuals with IBS. These plans generally focus on low-FODMAP foods and include soluble fiber to aid in digestion.


The Low-FODMAP Diet

This diet restricts various types of carbohydrates that are difficult to digest and likely to ferment in the gut, causing gas and discomfort. The elimination phase removes high-FODMAP foods for a few weeks. Reintroduction occurs gradually to gauge tolerance levels.


The Mediterranean Diet

Although not designed for IBS, the Mediterranean diet is often well-tolerated. It emphasizes fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats, while limiting processed foods and sugars that might aggravate IBS symptoms.


Dietary Supplements and Probiotics

Some people find relief from IBS symptoms by incorporating dietary supplements and probiotics into their routine. Fiber supplements can help regulate bowel movements, while probiotics can balance gut flora. However, it’s crucial to consult a healthcare provider for personalized advice, as these supplements can also potentially worsen symptoms in some cases.


Monitoring and Adjustment

Managing IBS through diet can be a process of trial and error. It’s advisable to maintain a food diary to note which foods trigger symptoms and which offer relief. Over time, this can help tailor a dietary plan that minimizes discomfort and improves digestive health.

Dietary changes can have a profound effect on IBS symptoms. By identifying trigger foods and incorporating IBS-friendly diet plans and supplements, individuals can take significant steps toward better digestive health.



Struggling with IBS?

Are you struggling with IBS and need guidance from a medical expert? Reach out to us for a personalized consultation that can set you on the path toward better digestive health.

How to take care of your internal plumbing as you age

As we age, changes in our body often require change in our diet – not only what we eat, but how we eat it. A registered dietitian discusses some tips to keep your digestive health at its best as you age.

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Vitamin B12

Trace Minerals


Age and Appetite

TIP: Eat your food hot



By Ginger Bailey, RDN CD

Originally posted on 11/24/2020
Updated on 4/28/2022


My kids get very upset when we use the “O” word. According to them, the word “old” is a dirty word and adults are not allowed to refer to themselves as such – especially not their grandparents!

No one likes to think about getting older or to even admit that they are aging. Unfortunately, “Time” cannot be denied and our bodies change as we age. The good news is that if we understand how our body changes and what we can do to support it, we can make age a state of mind more than a state of body. In essence, we can become wiser rather than simply older. (Shh, don’t tell my kids I said the “O” word!)

One of the best ways to keep our bodies fit and active as we age is to take care of our “internal plumbing.”  I’m referring, of course, to our digestive system.

As we age, our gut becomes a little less efficient at extracting nutrients from the food we eat. Every vitamin and mineral we eat goes through a complex pathway to convert from food to a form the body can absorb. Some of these pathways are more complex than others. Generally speaking, the more complex the pathway, the sooner we tend to lose the ability to adequately absorb the nutrients we need. So, let’s talk about a few of these nutrients, as well as some things you can do to slow down the aging process and take good care of your internal plumbing.


Vitamin B12

Let’s start with Vitamin B12. This nutrient is an important powerhouse. It’s critical for your body to be able to convert the food you eat into energy. It also has one of the most complex absorption pathways. A low level of B12 is one of the most commonly-found deficiencies in seniors, and can lead to a condition called pernicious anemia. Pernicious anemia can cause significant fatigue, headaches, and paleness.

As people age, they often start feeling more fatigued and just chalk it up to “old age”. In some cases, it may be a nutrient deficiency that can be corrected. This is not the only deficiency that can cause fatigue, but it is one of the more common ones because B12 is difficult to absorb in any case. People that have had bariatric surgery or any surgery involving the stomach or small intestines are at high risk of being B12 deficient.

Fortunately, vitamin B12 levels can be checked. If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, or are concerned, you can work with your doctor to have your blood levels analyzed and decide on the best support options for your body.


Trace Minerals

Trace minerals include calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, selenium, copper, phosphorus, potassium, manganese, and a few others. These minerals are responsible for many things, including but not limited to: bone health, nerve conduction, and immune health. Most of these nutrients are absorbed in the first part of your small intestine, but many compete for the same absorption pathways. That can make it difficult for your body to digest all of them equally. For anyone who has had a surgery that altered the anatomy of their GI tract – and this is the case for many people – this can be an issue.

Also, as time goes on, it is common for our bodies to produce fewer digestive enzymes. Digestive enzymes help our bodies break down food and easily absorb nutrients, so this process can become less effective as we age.

There is a very simple solution to this problem. Eat slower!  You see, chewing your food more can help with this. The more work your teeth do, the less your stomach has to do. There are also enzymes in your mouth that start breaking down food. So, if you chew your food more thoroughly, there is a higher likelihood that you are going to get more nutrients out of it. If your teeth are not in good condition, or chewing is difficult for some reason, then blending or pureeing food can also be helpful.



Most Americans don’t get adequate fiber in their diets. This causes a myriad of problems. Consequences of inadequate fiber intake include:

  • Higher risk of cancers
  • More issues with constipation and diarrhea
  • Poor immune function
  • Higher cholesterol levels
  • More GI disturbances
  • Higher inflammation
  • Poor blood sugar control

The best sources of fiber are whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and legumes. If you aren’t getting enough fiber in your food, adding a fiber supplement can be helpful.


Age and Appetite

Many people find that their appetite decreases as they get older, often because of a reduced sense of taste. It can be harder to get those appropriate nutrients we just talked about when your appetite decreases and your sense of taste fades. So, what do you do then?  Most people resort to dumping extra salt on their food so they can taste it. While that theoretically can work, it is not the best solution for your overall health. Instead, let’s talk about how to spice things up a bit!

(If you are thinking, “um…my digestive tract can’t party like I’m in my twenties anymore,” worry not. There are seasonings and spices that are both safe and healthy for your gut.)

Garlic is a very versatile flavor that is potent and has positive health benefits. Now, garlic can be an issue for some people with severe irritable bowel syndrome. For most people though, garlic is a great way to add a depth of flavor to food and make it more exciting to eat. Garlic pairs nicely with other flavors. It can also help decrease inflammation and support immune function.

Basil is another powerful herb that packs a lot of punch with flavor. It is very gentle on the digestive tract, but strong enough to add flavor to many types of foods. There are many varieties of basil. It is generally easy to grow even year-round inside your home. You can add a little or a lot depending on how much you like.

Rosemary is another one of my flavor rock stars. It tastes great with pork and many vegetables. It can really elevate a dish from “fine” to “delicious.”  This one is also gentle on your insides, while allowing your taste buds to dance a bit.

There is one flavor source that requires a bit of caution. Anything containing capsaicin (the source of the heat you feel when you eat a spicy pepper) can be irritating to the digestive tract. While many people enjoy the heat, capsaicin has a higher tendency to cause digestive discomfort. Spices that contain capsaicin include, but are not limited to:

  • Red pepper flakes
  • Cajun seasoning
  • Some taco seasonings
  • Chipotle/jalapeno peppers

It doesn’t mean you can’t ever use these flavors, but you may want to use them in smaller quantities since they are potent and have the potential to irritate your gut.


Here’s another tip: Eat your food hot!

Warmer foods tend to be more aromatic. Much of our sense of tastes comes from our sense of smell. Foods that have a stronger smell are also usually easier to taste. If you find that tasting your foods is a problem, keeping your sinuses clear will help. Eating a hot sandwich might be easier to taste than if you ate it cold, for example. Or having cooked vegetables rather than raw.

Hopefully a few of these little tricks will help you enjoy your food longer and keep your body working at top notch for as long as possible. And maybe help you avoid feeling the “O” word for as long as possible. Happy eating!


Do you have concerns about your gastroenterological health? Granite Peaks Gastroenterology can help! Click here to request your appointment with one of our gastroenterologists today!

Stress Management Techniques to Support Digestive Health

Keeping your digestive system on track can be a delicate balance of several factors. What you eat and drink, how much exercise you get, and how stressed you feel are all parts of the equation that totals good gut health.

As part of the fight-or-flight body response to stress, cortisol is produced when the body is under stress. Cortisol helps your body respond to threats by increasing heart rate, blood pressure and glucose. It also slows other body functions, including digestion, so it makes sense that prolonged stress produces excessive cortisol and can negatively impact your digestive system. 



Most people know that taking a break to walk, run, swim, dance or get any form of exercise is a good way to de-stress. Not only does it help you burn off excess cortisol and calm your mind, but it gets all your muscles moving, including your heart, lungs and your digestive tract muscles. Your digestive system needs a bit of a workout too!


Breathing Exercises

Breathing exercises are a great way to stimulate your parasympathetic nervous system and take control over the functions of your body. The sympathetic nervous system is responsible for the fight-or-flight response. The parasympathetic nervous system handles the activities that take place when the body isn’t on high-alert, helping you feel less stressed. 


Here’s a breathing exercise to try: 

  • Choose a number to count to (at least up to three) 
  • Inhale while counting to that number 
  • Hold your lungs full of air for that long 
  • Take that long to exhale 
  • Hold your breath with your lungs empty for that long



Practicing mindfulness helps you build awareness of your body and can help relieve stress and protect your digestive health. Practices such as yoga, meditation or body scanning can empower you to notice stress sooner and take steps to reduce it.

Not everything works for everybody but you can find the best way to help your body help itself, relieve stress, and allow your digestive system to function well.

Want to learn more about how stress affects your digestive system? Learn more here: Stress and Your Digestive System.


If you are experiencing prolonged digestive problems, talk to your Granite Peaks gastroenterology specialist. They can help you find the solutions to your digestive issues. 

Stress and Your Digestive System

Today, it is all too common for people to feel unhealthy levels of stress. Stress has many negative effects on the body including high blood pressure, heart attack, abnormal heart rhythms and worsened irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms, among others. Great! Another thing to stress about!  Don’t worry. Controlling your stress level can help you gain control of many other physical symptoms and help your body heal.


Your Brain’s Impact on Your Gut

Our digestive system has lots of nerves and is tightly connected with the brain. When your brain is communicating stress, anxiety and upset, your digestive tract is likely to follow its lead. This is why some people who experience prolonged, high levels of stress may develop worsened symptoms of their digestive conditions such as difficulty swallowing, diarrhea, constipation, increased acid reflux and worsened irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) symptoms. Gaining control of your stress by talking with specialists who can help you manage your symptoms is the next step.


Addressing Your Stress

Find the stress management tools that work for you. It may be meditation, music, exercise, meditation. Physical activity can release endorphins, which can boost your mental state and reduce the toll stress takes on it too. Eating foods that help reduce cortisol, a stress hormone, such as salmon, almonds, foods high in magnesium, and vitamin c are a few options to try.


Consider talking to a mental health specialist who may be able to help you reframe your thoughts to see things in a more positive light. Learn new life skills to help you manage areas that are chronic stressors for you.


Your Stress is Under Control

If you’re not stressed and you have digestive symptoms like the ones mentioned above, it’s time to talk to a gastroenterology specialist who can pinpoint the cause of your issues. At Granite Peaks Gastroenterology, they will carefully consider your symptoms to find the solution, helping find the relief you need to feel better and achieve your best health.

3 Ways to Keep Your Gut in Good Shape

Keeping your gut moving is important to your digestive and overall health. There are a few reasons why your gut may not function as well as it could, ranging from poor diet and lifestyle choices to illness or disease. This may lead to constipation, sluggishness, and bloating. With the items you can control, like diet and lifestyle, making smart decisions can help you feel better. What can you do to keep your gut in good shape the way it should?


Eat Healthy Fats

Fat sometimes gets picked on when people talk about eating a healthy diet. Healthy fats, such as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids, in the proper amounts, are essential to good health. Healthy fats help you feel full, reducing the chances of overeating. Fish, seafood, nuts, seeds, plant oils and fortified foods are good sources of the omega-3 fatty acids. Add these along with plenty of nutritious fruits, vegetables and water to your healthy diet.


Manage Stress

When you’re stressed, your body tends to experience the “fight or flight” response. This is in direct opposition to the “rest and digest” response that your body tends to have when you’re eating food. Stress diverts blood away from your digestive system, making it more likely that you might experience poor digestion. Practice stress management techniques that may include regular exercise and meditation for ongoing stress relief, and ultimately, better digestion.


Eat Attentively

Sometimes the simplest solution is the key. Eating slowly and with intention can help your digestive system perform better. Chewing your food thoroughly helps your body absorb nutrients more effectively. The longer you chew, the more saliva you produce, which breaks down food before it hits your stomach and intestine. This gives your body more time to register how much you’ve eaten and send the signal to stop before you over-eat.


Living a healthy life includes caring for your digestive system by making smart choices. Eat a well-balanced diet of nutritious foods and healthy fats and get a little physical and mental exercise to help manage stress. Your digestive health is important to your overall health. Make the diet and lifestyle choices that help you keep your gut in good shape and help you feel your best.

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