If you feel ill with fever, flu-like symptoms or respiratory illness, please call us to reschedule your appointment. Please Do Not Bring Children Under age 16 to Appointments.

Granite Peaks Patient Safety and Quality Care


Patient Safety and Quality of Care

Granite Peaks Gastroenterology of Utah

Patient Safety and Quality of Care

Granite Peaks GI is focused on delivering the highest quality of care for our patients and providing a safe, positive experience, whether our patients are having a procedure or being seen in our clinic for an office visit. Part of having a good experience means being an active member of your health care team.

Get More Out of Your Health Care Visit

One of the ways you can make your appointment productive and be sure to receive the information you need from your provider is to ask questions.

  1. 1. Bring someone with you – they’ll help remember answers to your questions
  2. 2. Know your family and personal health history, including dates of illnesses and surgeries
  3. 3. Either bring your medications with you, or bring a list that includes everything you take – prescription and over-the-counter products

Before your appointment, write down a few questions you have for your health care provider. Your provider will not go through 20 separate health concerns at one appointment, so focus on the questions you would like answered about symptoms, medication, treatment options, tests or procedures.

During your appointment, let the medical assistant or nurse know you would like to ask your medical provider some questions. When you’re with your provider, ask the questions you prepared starting with those most important to you. Then listen to the answers and take notes. If you don’t understand something, let your provider know. If you are having tests done, ask when you might expect results and how you will receive them – by phone, mail or online patient portal.

It is important for you to understand if you have been given a diagnosis and what treatment options are available to you. If medication is prescribed, be sure you understand what it will do. Before prescribing for you, your health care provider will check for interactions. This is why your provider having your complete list of medications is so important. If a procedure or surgery is recommended, be sure you understand the risks and other options for treatment and how it could affect your daily life.

After your appointment, follow your health care provider’s’ instructions. If you are to start a medication, ask the pharmacist questions about it if it’s a new medication to you. Read all of the side effects and possibilities for altering your state of health and your ability to continue daily functions. If you notice a problem or if you are having unexpected side effects, contact your doctor’s office. It is possible a different medication may be a better choice for you.

If you are going to call your physician after your visit, prepare for a phone call the same way you did for your appointment. Write down what you need to ask them because it is possible you will need to leave a message or contact them electronically. Let your medical provider know if you are having side effects or other difficulty with your medication or if your symptoms worsen. If you are waiting for test results, be sure you understand any results you are given. You are entitled to receive the full report of any tests results.

You play an important role in providing your doctors with accurate, complete information about your health history and your current condition. Your doctor uses this information to decide the safest, most effective treatment options to help you feel your best. Get involved, get informed and get healthy!



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