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Gastroenterology Procedure
The most common reason that a capsule endoscopy might be performed is to evaluate obscure gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding, which means the source of the bleeding has not been identified using other methods.
Patients who have unexplained iron deficiency anemia or who are bleeding from the GI tract will typically first be evaluated with a colonoscopy and an upper GI endoscopy (EGD). If those methods do not provide a source, a capsule endoscopy is a useful option for examining the entire small intestine.
Other causes of bleeding may include:
A capsule endoscopy may also be used to look for signs of Crohn’s disease and celiac disease.
There are some important steps to help you prepare for the procedure and help your physician get the best information the test can provide.
Provide a complete list of medications and supplements.
Inform your physician of any drug allergies.
Inform your physician of any previous abdominal surgeries, difficulty swallowing or histories of obstructions.
Carefully follow preparation instructions for bowel prep and dietary instructions
Carefully follow instructions for when to STOP taking medications prior to this test.
Watch video for capsule retrieval on our Capsocam procedure prep page.
Capsule endoscopy is a special technique for looking inside your GI tract and is particularly useful for looking at the small intestine. It uses a small, pill-sized video capsule that you swallow. The capsule contains a miniature digital camera that allows a painless and complete 360o exam of your small intestine. The camera records multiple images as it travels through the small intestine. No external recorder is needed for our capsules.
The capsule will be eliminated through a normal bowel movement typically within 1-3 days following the procedure. At home, after you eliminate the capsule, you will retrieve and rinse it, place it in a safe shipping envelope and send it to the manufacturer. They will download the images for your provider to review. Your Granite Peaks provider will give you the results of the procedure a few days after the test.
This test is not recommended for patients with certain conditions. Please notify your provider if you:
• Have known or suspected gastrointestinal obstructions, strictures or fistula
• Are pregnant
• Have gastroparesis
• Have a swallowing disorder
You may ask about this convenient procedure at the Granite Peaks Gastroenterology offices in Sandy, in Salt Lake County and Lehi, located in Utah County.
Granite Peaks Gastroenterology serves the communities along the Wasatch Front. Our Board Certified Doctors and Certified PA GI Specialists include:
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