If you feel ill with fever, flu-like symptoms or respiratory illness, please call us to reschedule your appointment. Please Do Not Bring Children Under age 16 to Appointments.
Gastroenterology Procedure
Bravo™ 48 hour pH monitoring measures pH levels in your esophagus. This information is used to better understand your heartburn and acid reflux and aid your doctor in providing the most effective treatment for you.
This procedure involves placing a small capsule in your esophagus (it is about the size of a gel cap). This capsule will wirelessly send information to a small receiver that you will wear on your belt for the duration of the test. You will be able to go about your normal activities, eat and drink during the test. You’ll also be able to bathe and sleep comfortably. After the test the capsule will detach from your esophagus on its own and pass through your digestive system. This may take a few days. There is no need for you to retrieve the capsule, and it will not harm your plumbing or the environment.
The receiver is very small, about the size of a small cell phone. In addition to recording information sent from the capsule, the receiver has buttons you will push when you experience symptoms. You will also record your activities such as sleeping and eating so that your provider has a clear picture of when and how your heartburn and acid reflux impact your routine.
We have offices in Salt Lake and Utah Counties to conveniently serve you.
This test requires an upper GI endoscopy (EGD) for capsule placement. There is minimal preparation needed, and during the monitoring period, you will be able to maintain your normal routine.
It is important to keep an accurate food, symptom and activity diary to get useful results.
You will be sedated for the placement, so a driver is required to take you home after the Bravo™ capsule is placed.
You must return the receiver following completion of the test.
The Bravo test is not for everyone. Conditions such as bleeding disorders, esophageal strictures or varices will not allow for this type of testing. Those with pacemakers or other implantable cardiac devices should not have a Bravo test.
Risks for this test include premature detachment of the capsule, failure of the capsule to detach, tears in the tissues of the esophagus and perforation.
Granite Peaks Gastroenterology serves the communities along the Wasatch Front. Our Board Certified Doctors and Certified PA GI Specialists include:
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