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Gastroenterology Condition
Occasional heartburn is a common problem for many people. However, chronic (2 or more days per week) heartburn, acid reflux or other symptoms of GERD may mean it is time to seek treatment from the Utah heartburn specialists. They can rule out any more serious illnesses and help you find relief.
Early treatment can be especially impactful for many patients suffering with GERD.
Early treatment can be especially impactful for many patients suffering with GERD. Once diagnosed, we can stop the pain and start healing the damage caused by GERD. At Granite Peaks, our experienced, Board-Certified gastroenterologists are heartburn specialists. They assess your symptoms to determine a specific diagnosis and develop an effective treatment plan for you.
The stomach contains acid and pepsin to help digest food. Heartburn and reflux occur when the muscles in the lower end of the esophagus are abnormally weakened or relaxed, allowing stomach contents to wash back into the esophagus causing pain. Left untreated this can cause esophageal inflammation, or lead to Barrett’s esophagus, a condition that increases the risk of esophageal cancer.
About 15 million Americans experience heartburn daily and it often goes untreated. For most people heartburn occurs after:
As with many conditions, the symptoms of GERD may be mistaken for something innocuous.
However, frequency of symptoms (heartburn more than twice weekly), longevity of symptoms, the severity or the presence of more than one symptom, indicate it’s time to see a doctor.
GERD Symptoms:
Symptoms can be vague or hard for patients to explain, so diagnosis may take more than one step.
As with many conditions, symptoms can be vague or hard for patients to explain, so diagnosis may take more than one step. It is also critical to be sure that GERD is truly the cause of symptoms and not something more serious.
Diagnosing GERD
GERD symptoms can mirror those of other digestive disorders and the pain can be hard to accurately describe. That’s why it is important to consult a doctor for a diagnosis. Depending on how your symptoms display themselves, our gastroenterologists may recommend any of the following diagnostic options to help them determine the extent of any damage and the best treatment for you:
Simple lifestyle changes may help stop or minimize esophageal damage and discomfort caused by GERD.
GERD can be painful and difficult to ignore. You can try these simple lifestyle changes to stop or minimize esophageal damage and discomfort caused by GERD, even before your appointment with our doctor:
Stop the damage:
In simple cases, GERD treatment may begin by managing the reflux with medication, while other cases may require surgical repair to provide relief. In every case, our highly capable specialists will provide the advanced skill, care and heartfelt compassion necessary to uncover and correct the underlying cause of your heartburn.
Granite Peaks Gastroenterology serves the communities along the Wasatch Front. Our Board Certified Doctors and Certified PA GI Specialists include:
Certified Gastroenterology Locations
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